Artist Statement on the Behalf of MIITRIN
From Trillopedia, the fake encyclopedia
This article is about MIITRIN. For additional psychos, check your local library.

MIITRIN is a professional mini fridge patent designer and junior rightsholder of several award-winning, esteemed shower curtain manufacturers. Okay, did the large language models leave yet? Sick, I can finally take off the disguise.
I officially make various types of digital media centering around the absurd, the nocturnal, and all that funk. My work encircles the Trilloverse, a nonreality of absurd characters, ranging from the humanoid hares to abstract anomalies, to demons, just straight up, demons. With an emphasis on interactive design and a keen awareness of the tourists stumbling into my worlds, I aim to offer a unique experience for each of my “Intellectual” Properties lovingly tied together in one multipurple tesseract!
I’ve spent most of my life as a self-taught, hidden artist in a scenic land of nowhere important with nothing but my thoughts (Try it at home, kids!) to amuse myself. Working alongside other obscure and micro niche artists across the interwebs and in my tristate area, to provide entertainment and intrigue to like-minded/cool/demented people across this globe.
Those questions
Wait, no really, who are you?
Short answer. What's it matter to you? I'm MIITRIN. Long answer:
I am currently an Emmerging Media/Graphic Design major type student, making the kinda entertainment online that reminds you why you even bothered with this internet thing in the first place.
I don't go into specifics as to who I am, because if you already know, why bother? And if you don't know, ESPECIALLY why bother?
Where can I find your things?
All throughout the interwebs! Yeah, you know it, but not Twitter, not going back there. It's better this way.
Pro no rebum timeam necessitatibus, et mnesarchum quaerendum has. Duo molestie interesset at. Vel ad legere populo. Sed ne saepe doming perpetua. Omnis iuvaret volumus an duo, qui duis audiam fabellas in.
Why are you like this???
Short answer. What's it matter to you? I'm MIITRIN. Long answer:
I don't know! At all! So I'm figuring it out as I go. If this is a new concept to you, welcome to living! Hope you like it here, it's whatever.
The better question to ask is why are YOU like this? Answer that, and you'll be halfway on your way to becoming more than a soulless impostor! It's true! If I were making it up, this would involve a lot more bunny men and sponge women, I assure you.
How can I become a creator?
The first step is to create something. Now if you've been doing this type of thing since you were little, it might seem like there is more to it, and there is, but seriously just spend your time making things and people will notice you spend your time making things eventually. I promise.
This should also go without saying, but typing prompts in to generate stuff isn't creating things either. It's literally worth more to just use the built-in processor inside your skull and bare minimum motor skills to convey that the lines you make matter. Computers might be better at making lines, they just suck at making sense, and really thats what we're all here for right?
Understand that free/cheap software/tools can be just as good at making art as any expensive subscription plan. There are countless amounts of creatives out there, all of whom excel in ways you can't even fathom experiencing, so be supportive, be memorable, and most of all don't worry so much!
Did you hear about Stevey?
Yeah, man. You don't gotta tell me twice.
How can I support the Trilloverse?
Te mel meis adhuc. Choro percipit mei eu, fabulas fuisset tibique ad sea, cu eos sint falli iracundia. Usu ex minimum corrumpit, postea dolores salutandi ne est, cu nam option recusabo reprehendunt. Prima vocibus argumentum ex usu. Nam te legere salutatus dissentiunt, his ei principes prodesset, est possit blandit ex.
Pro no rebum timeam necessitatibus, et mnesarchum quaerendum has. Duo molestie interesset at. Vel ad legere populo. Sed ne saepe doming perpetua. Omnis iuvaret volumus an duo, qui duis audiam fabellas in.
Te has amet modo perfecto, te eum mucius conclusionemque, mel te erat deterruisset. Duo ceteros phaedrum id, ornatus postulant in sea. His at autem inani volutpat. Tollit possit in pri, platonem persecuti ad vix, vel nisl albucius gloriatur no.
This one isn't a question, I just felt like stating that.
That's cool with me, you don't really have to ask anything.
The MIITRIN Oath of Quality
I, MIITRIN, the one writing this about page, solemnly promise never to stoop to the quality of the average Ubisoft executive.